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Submit Business Plan

If you would like to submit your Business Plan or Executive Summary for Lexington Capital Group's consideration, please use the form below. We review all business plans submitted. The first step is to submit an Executive Summary (shortened business plan numbering 2-4 pages) or a Business Plan that includes full resumes of the management team, as well as the following details:

  • Investment size and structure requested
  • Description of the product or service
  • Brief history of the company
  • Business and marketing strategy
  • Analysis of the market and the competition
  • Full resumes of key management (highlighting industry and market expertise)
  • Current financial statements and projections

This should be a working document for the company, used in long-term planning, not simply a sales tool for fundraising.

Our reputation depends on our professionalism and our ability to maintain the trust of the businesses with whom we work. We will take great care to keep your materials confidential. Our confidential review process will also insure that the submitted plan matches Lexington's transactional expertise, profile and scope.

If you have large files, we prefer the Executive Summary portion of the Business Plan only. Unfortunately, due to security considerations, we cannot accept submissions containing active links or executable files.  Thus any file with the extension ".exe" must be excluded from any submission, and we will not open any file that contains an active link or executable file.

While we attempt to evaluate every proposal quickly, we are intensely thorough - so please be patient if we don't respond immediately. Typically, we respond within 7 business days. Please make sure to provide accurate contact information when making your submission.  We look forward to reviewing your plan and helping you achieve your financial and business objectives.

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First Name*
Last Name*
Message Subject
Copy and Paste Your Executive Summary*